Bredbo Valley View farm - providing quality education in Permaculture and sustainable living practices.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


It’s the first of October, the days are getting warmer, longer and day light saving starts on the weekend. It’s a long weekend with special meaning – the end of snow season! No more idiots on the road speeding to the snow, stopping out the front and depositing their rubbish in our driveway or running over innocent wombats.

The cows took a walk over to our neighbour Buzz’s oat paddock yesterday. They enjoyed themselves for a couple of hours whilst the Cook was busy with the Greening Australia people. She finally had to saddle up old Phoe and go round them up. This is the part about being on the farm that she likes the best – up on her horse chasing the poor old cows around.

The new pony is settling in OK, seems to have found its place in the paddock and the pecking order. The people who brought it took away a rooster as well - good. I had a look at the baby chickens we hatched about six weeks ago this morning and they are growing well and looking healthy; the next batch of hatchlings is due tomorrow – can’t wait to see what we get this time.

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