Bredbo Valley View farm - providing quality education in Permaculture and sustainable living practices.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Here's looking at you

It hit Thirty yesterday – damned hot out here on the Monaro.

The Cook went off horse ridding with her mates last night, she went down to where the Murrumbidgee meets the mighty Bredbo River. She says there’s lots of water down there so we will probably take the boat down for a run this weekend. We’ve had it since mid last year and it’s probably about time I made the time take the boys down and test it out.

The pigs need daily mud baths in this weather. The boys have been filling their wallows for the daily pilgrimage – makes them happy so it’s the least we can do.

Looks like, providing it doesn’t rain, the shearing will happen this weekend. Only about 30 odd sheep so that shouldn’t take long. The cattle along the river should be moving up to the back of our place some time today but we’ll see what happens.

You’ll swear the eye’s on this pig follow you around the room – spooky hey!

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