Ok – what a weekend that was. Where do you start!! Saturday; Jane, a friend of ours from Murrumbateman, dropped off some ducks for us to look after while she is in hospital – rather nice looking ducks, not like ours at all. Youngest son had gone for a sleep over and soccer at a mates place. I went to pick him up in the afternoon, when I got to the front gate it was blocked by a Police car and a white ute, I had to wait whilst they finished what ever it was they were doing before I could go.
Bredbo Ute muster was on, went and had a quick look; there were a few nice looking utes down there. Saturday night we had some rain, about 2mm, which was nice. I had to go into Canberra and pick up one of the guy’s from The West – got home just before midnight.
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