We have a rabbit plague at the moment as well, I went out to the car this morning and there was nine rabbits on the front lawn, I then counted another five on the back yard and a couple under the silos. Not having a gun license yet – or a gun, I’m a little ham strung as to what I can do. I have rung a fellow in town, who hunts rabbits with ferrets, but I’ve not heard back from him yet – I think Ben would enjoy a good BBQ rabbit on the webber.
Sadly one of the little runty pigs we had brought into the house over the weekend died yesterday, it was a female and was a lot smaller then the others. It’s probably a good thing that it didn’t make it as it would have just been another small pig I couldn’t sell. The other two are going from strength to strength, they are eating from a bowl and scoff down weetbix and milk hourly. It’s much easier then the hourly bottle feeds we had the first runties on.
The cattle were missing this morning, I ‘m not sure were they have wandered off too. I’ll have to go down the end of the pig paddocks this morning to see if they have gone threw the fence and wandered down along the river – it never ends! Beccy the calf is going well and drinks up to six litres of milk a day now, Harry feeds her mostly and I think he really enjoys his new chore.