Bredbo Valley View farm - providing quality education in Permaculture and sustainable living practices.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Cold - Rather!

This was the view down the drive at 7am this morning

Frozen thistle - covered in frost
    It's lunchtime and I don't think the Cook is out of bed yet.  No water for showers or shaving so I'm starting the day a little scruffier then usual.


Em said...

Yeesh! No wonder Troy cracked it and didn't want to go to work this morning. Must have been freezing when he left at 6am!!!

The Duck Herder said...

now that is what we like to call a HOARY FROST!

dixiebelle said...

I would stay in bed on a day like this too... everything was extra frosty this morning!

Old Nev said...

Damn it all man, don't you know the sun shines in Queensland. BTW, my iPod is playing Hard Cotton, don't say I'm not a believer!