Bredbo Valley View farm - providing quality education in Permaculture and sustainable living practices.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Future Events

After a lot of discussin the Cook and I have decided to start a new venture here on the farm.  This has all been a while in the planning, but we are now happy to announce that come spring we will be running a series of workshops here on the farm.  The first will be - "Building a Straw Bale Chook House", some time in October.  The following workshop will be "Building a Masonary Wood Fired Oven" sometime in early November.  Both workshops will be two days, we have lined up some really good instructors, lunches will be provided and people will we welcome at camp over on the farm.

The workshops will cost around $150 for each weekend, and numbers will be limited to 15 people per course. If your interested leave a commetn with a contact and I'll send you more info closer to the date.


Em said...

I am somewhat lacking in funds at the moment but would be happy to do a couple of days work for you, say, helping with fencing, in return for a spot in the strawbale workshop :D

Let me know if this is something you would be willing to negotiate!

Old Nev said...

Will you be able to cook pizzas in the oven?

dixiebelle said...

Love it! Sounds great!