It's been rather busy, between our Holistic Farm Management Course, a Straw Bale House building Course, the CMC Rocks the Hunter to see Wynonna, Faith and Tim, a trip to Sydney to visit our pork Provodore 'Melinda' and of course the Water Shed Rehabilitation Workshop - I've had trouble fitting everything in. Of course it's been a while so there has been Christmas, me doing the Vegitarian thing for a few months, the garden, our new cattle, the Cooks been kicking my arse, we sold our first $50 Chickens and a minor car accident (not my fault - nobody hurt).
Of course there was the floods and the rain and work and the farm stuff to do as well. We did have five minutes of idol fun when Harry and I went off for a game of Paint Ball in support of 'Tim and Stu' and their entrant in the Cancer Council Shit Box Rally.
Harry had never experienced Paint Ball before and was keen to give it a go. I had him outfitted in the latest cam uniform and paint ball mask, to protect his pretty face. He had a ball, unfortunately for him his Dad was on the opposing force and Harry being big and tall filled my sights on many occasions. He now has a lot more respect for me, and I for him - he handled himself quite admirably and I'd have him back me up when teh Zombie Appocalypse starts - more on that later as well - I've stop eating anything processed as well, only whole foods and I feel a whole lot better.